SMARTSMARTCROO an application supporting the analysis of Customer’s needs. The application supports a consultant/representative in the key process of analysing Customer’s needs. It supports in effective acquisition of information necessary for the process of analysing Customer’s needs as a result of which it is possible to present the most suited products/offers.

If you are interested in the above-mentioned product, please contact

Application available to Customer on the platforms:



SMARTCROO is an application supporting the process of sale and presentation of company’s product. The application is intended for supporting the process of selling products and their presentation. It supports a consultant in a direct conversation, processes of collecting needs and presenting the most suited products offered by company.
The application collects all statistics, saves and analyses behaviour of Customer based on registration of all their choices and decisions.
It dynamically builds information collection paths and interactive elements.
Within the system a developed administrative panel is available, which e.g. enables definition of paths, relations to components and application views.

If you are interested in the above-mentioned product, please contact

System functions SMARTCROO

Administrative Panel

  • Creation of company’s structure and supervision of staff members
  • Creation of product contents, main cards
  • Creation of comparison engines
  • Creation of product paths
  • Creation of questionnaires
  • Creation of one-choice questions
  • Creation of multiple-choice
  • Creation of slide controls together with testing of the scope of answers given
  • Tagging of values and their assignment to a particular product
  • Customer service from outside the scope of defined product paths
  • Module of statistical data connected with an analysis of Customer transitions and interaction during presentation
  • Defining the application operation mode (Extended/short version)
  • Defining categories and sub-categories of products
  • Module for analysis of products possessed by Customer
  • Preview of summary of conversations between representative and Customer

Staff member’s (representative’s) account

  • Possibility of displaying product presentations
  • Generation of summaries and saving contact to Customer
  • Completion of satisfaction questionnaires

Satisfaction survey

  • possibility of making satisfaction questionnaires available to all Customers


  • Maintenance of the application on servers in dedicated collocation or in internal network structure of Customer
  • Protection of data transmission through HTTPS
  • Individual address and name of the application
  • Verification of rights of users logged in
  • Test environment
  • Technical support consistent with Customer’s requirements

If you are interested in the above-mentioned product, please contact

24/7 Support

Within purchase of the application we ensure support from a dedicated Customer assistant.


"Dynamic creation of contents
and process paths"

Easy customization

Thanks to the modular structure the application may be adapted to Customer’s requirements.

* All our applications may be adapted to individual requirements of Customer and processes which take place in their company.